The Green Shopping Network | Tim Collins
The Green Shopping Network - As green as you want to be. Do your part to help the environment, be it a little or a lot. Being just a little greener helps us all!

Author: Tim Collins

Posted by Tim Collins in Work & Business

Getting Credit for Going Green

Have you considered installing compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in your office or doing a walk-through one Saturday and sealing off all those pesky drafts around the windows and doors? If so, you could save more than just a few dollars each month on your…

Posted by Tim Collins in Food & Recipes

Top 5 Food Trends

Here at TGSN, we are always on the lookout for new food trends that are healthier for us and the environment. We came across this great list from dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner from this year’s Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and…

Posted by Tim Collins in Green Home

New Green Product Aims to Save Lives

Check out this great new green innovation that aims to give everyone access to clean toilet facilities. “Some 2.5 billion people—more than a third of the world’s population—lack clean toilet facilities. Such poor sanitation causes diarrhea, which kills 800,000 children each year. A Caltech team…

Posted by Tim Collins in Green Home, Green Living

10 Reasons to Use Solar

Are you tired of paying high utility bills? Do you want to help the environment and help yourself at the same time? Are you ready to start using the power of the sun? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you have…