The Green Shopping Network | Tim Collins
The Green Shopping Network - As green as you want to be. Do your part to help the environment, be it a little or a lot. Being just a little greener helps us all!

Author: Tim Collins

Posted by Tim Collins in Green Home, Green Living

Keep your pet pawfectly clean

The sun is out, the weather is warmer, and owners are outdoors their pets. This means your pet will be in your yard where he will roll around in the grass and dirt. His fur coat will become dirty and probably wet, if he finds…

Posted by Tim Collins in Green Living, Green Tips

This Summer Go Organic with Sunscreen

With summer just around the corner, it’s time to think about serious skin care from the sun. It’s recommended to wear SPF all year round , but if you are going to start wearing SPF, now would be the perfect time. Vacations,  going to outdoor…

Posted by Tim Collins in Green Tips

How to make your kids more environmentally conscious

Parents have the greatest influence on their children, so it’s up to them to create a more eco-conscious youth. Taking steps to developing this awareness may be difficult, but they are vital to ensure a more sustainable future. Here are some of the ways you…

Posted by Tim Collins in Green Marketplace Deals

Spring Into Savings with 15% OFF!

Spring is finally here, take the opportunity to live a little greener. Use the code “spring 2014” to unlock 15% OFF everything in our Green Marketplace! A few quick & easy ways to be greener this spring: Time for spring cleaning? Take advantage of great…