The Green Shopping Network | Being as Green as I Can Be
The Green Shopping Network - As green as you want to be. Do your part to help the environment, be it a little or a lot. Being just a little greener helps us all!
Posted by Tim Collins in Green Living

Being as Green as I Can Be

Everyone has a different capacity and desire when it comes to leading a greener lifestyle; and that’s ok.  Do what you feel comfortable doing, when you have the time, energy and money to do it. Life is a marathon not a sprint.

I bet I’m a lot like most of you. I started my greening experience a few years ago doing little things like recycling and composting. Then I did a couple bigger things. I had a foot of insulation blown into my attic and I bought a smaller car that gets better gas mileage. I want to someday add solar panels to my home and own an electric car, but in the meantime, I just want to be as green as I can be with everyday purchases.

I started this business for people just like me.  I’m busy (4 kids) and I don’t have time searching through hundreds of green websites, so I created one website where I can quickly learn about, discuss, and confidently purchase great green products and services.

I want this website to be as good as it possibly can be for you and me, so please contribute your thoughts and opinions.

Co-founder, TGSN

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