The Green Shopping Network | How to remove candle wax from your favorite jars
The Green Shopping Network - As green as you want to be. Do your part to help the environment, be it a little or a lot. Being just a little greener helps us all!


Posted by Tim Collins in Green Living, Green Tips

How to remove candle wax from your favorite jars

You probably have a few “dead” candle jars stashed away in a cupboard so you can use them for new candles in the future. The problem is the jars still have wax in them. Well, TGSN did some research and found a simple way for you to be able to reuse  your candle jars.


1. Pour boiling water into the container.

DO NOT pour the melted wax down the sink, this may be tempting, but it will save you from having to clean the sink for the next several hours.


2. Allow the water to cool over night.

This allows the candle wax to float to the top of the container.


3. Remove wax from the top of the container.

For this step, you can use either a fork or a knife to lift the wax out of the container.


Reusing your candle jars saves you money and allows you to recycle them in the future.


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